Tuesday, January 24, 2012

An easy and healthy diet before summer!

Summer is just around the corner and I'm sure we're all starting to get worried about losing a few pounds before having to wear our swimsuits out in public. There are many different ways to get in shape quickly and maintain a healthy diet before summer rolls around. It's important to use a diet that best fits your lifestyle and can be maintained on a daily basis. Many people become unhappy with their results after only following a strict diet for a few months at a time.  Living a healthy life and staying in shape is something that must be maintained on a daily basis in order to see the best results possible.  After some experience and research, I have determined counting calories is one of the most beneficial and easiest diets to follow and maintain.  With technology on the rise, counting calories has become easier than ever. This form of diet has been proven to be the most effective and easy to follow, especially for those of us whom are often on the go.  Counting calories gives dieters the option of eating any food they desire, but teaches the importance of portion size for each meal.  The problem with many other diets such as Jenny Craig, South Beach Diet, and The Special K diet is you are limited to a small selection of food each and every day.  Listed below are some examples of free applications and websites that help dieters keep track of calories eaten on a daily basis.
· My Fitness Pal
· Weight Watchers
· My Calorie Counter
· My Food Diary

If you’re looking to lose a few extra pounds and get in shape before summer, try one of these free applications or websites and see your amazing results first hand!
For a great book of recipes to follow a Paleo diet: Click Here!