Friday, March 30, 2012

Workout Necessities

As I talked about in my last blog post, I think it is crucially important that women have comfortable fitness clothes to feel confident in whether your working out at the gym, in your own home, or outside taking a run around the town. Some great stores to visit for low priced workout clothes are Kohls, JcPenney, Gordmans, and Carson Pierre Scott. If you’re looking for customized products and would like to help donate to my cause so I can provide my readers as well as you with more information and research, visit my website. I have created several different clothing products for my line to sell. Each product represents the importance of staying in shape and feeling comfortable and confident while you’re working on getting to your goal. 

Another thing you should also look into is buying some new running tennis shoes. I have personally found over the years that running shoes are the most comfortable and durable shoes to workout in. Depending on whether you are working out three or seven days a week, having strong durable shoes is extremely important. If you don’t have shoes that are in good shape and comfortable, you can potentially be putting yourself in a place to develop bad posture, flat feet, or aches in your feet after each workout or anytime you do a lot of walking.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Workout gear

With all the working out you will be doing in the next couple months to help you get in shape for summer, you need some great workout outfits to keep you stylish and looking great! Although you can wear anything you want, I think it’s important to have a couple comfortable, more expensive workout outfits and sports bras that will help you achieve the best results possible, this is just my opinion.

I have been giving you low cost ideas for everything from vacations, to food and diet options throughout my blog and will continue to keep the low cost option available for some of the products I have to offer through my website!

I believe being women it is a lot harder to look great when you’re working out. Many women become self-conscious and worry about their looks during a workout. A great workout contains one where you end dripping sweat with a beat red face. A great way to feel comfortable and confident while you are working out is by wearing an outfit that fits your body well and gives you the accent that your curves deserve.

We all feel much more confident at the gym when we look great, so take a look at some of my clothing line available on my website for some fitness clothing I have developed especially for you!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


If you are planning on taking a fun vacation this summer make sure you partake in some of these great activities while you hit the beach! A fun activity to do while you are on vacation or at a beach near home is collect all different kinds of sea shells. Not only does it feel great to keep some of those memories you made so close to home, they can also add beautiful decorations throughout your home.  There are many awesome things you can do with the beautiful sea shells you have found and brought home such as:
1.     Create an array of jewelry such as a necklace, bracelet or earings with your sea shells. You simply pick which sea shells you would like to use, buy the appropriate materials at your local store (Hobby Lobby, ect.) and make your beautiful piece of jewelry.
2.     You can bring back some of your newly found treasures and sand and fill a decorative bowl in your home to help you keep your memories of vacation. Place the bowl of sea shells and sand in your bathroom, bedroom or kitchen.
3.     You can find a plain picture frame, crush the shells into tiny pieces and glue them to the frame creating a beautiful new frame for your home.
4.     Simply place the beautiful shells around your home for some summer decorations and a relaxing feeling as if you are on a beach every day.
5.     Take a plain lampshade you have in your home and add the sea shells for a spice of decoration.
Listed below are some great books you can read about sea-shells!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fun activities for this summer

More summer activities to enjoy this summer!

One great past time I’m sure most of us have, is having a lemonade stand on the street as kids.  Don’t we all wish we could be kids again! Well here’s your chance.  Go out to the supermarket with some friends or your family and follow this recipe below to enjoy some delicious fresh squeezed lemonade.
  • 10 lemons
  • 3 cups water
  • 2 cups sugar or sweetener
  • 4 cups crushed ice
1.     Cut the lemons in half and squeeze into a large pitcher
2.     Add water and mix thoroughly
3.     Add sugar as desired starting with 1 cup
4.     Add a couple lemon slices to the lemonade
5.     Add ice to cool and leave in fridge for about an hour until chilled

Another great summer food you can get while you’re at the market or superstore is a nice large juicy watermelon! There are many different fun activities you can do with a watermelon.  You can create a watermelon-eating contest to see who can eat the watermelon the fastest out of your group.  You can have a slippery watermelon tournament in the pool. All you need to do is cover the watermelon in baby oil and create 2 teams.  The object of the game is that each team is trying to get the watermelon into their goal on the other side of the pool.  Whoever scores the most points, wins!  Lastly, you can have a seed spitting contest and see who can spit the watermelon seeds the furthest! 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Summer activities

There are many fun things to do during the summer that you can’t necessarily do year round.  Listed below are some more great ideas for fun summer activities to partake in by oneself, with your friends, or your family.  
It’s always nice to enjoy the beautiful weather by sitting outside on your porch, laying by the beach, or sitting on a raft in the pool reading a novel.  There are many wonderful series of books out there, so it’s not a bad idea to take the time to dive into one of them!  If you enjoy more of the mystery series, you can read

If you are more into comical stories, the    Click Here! or the    Click Here! to get you on track with some great summer reading books. Listed below are more great series of books to dive into this summer!

If you’re the type of person that loves the thrill of roller coasters and the rush of the giant drop, there are many great amusement parks you can visit.  You and your friends and/or family should even look into getting a season pass so you can go various times throughout the summer. You can save a lot of money getting a season pass, rather than spending money each time you go.  It can also push you to visit the amusement park more often if you own a season pass!

 Another money saving activity to do this summer is visit garage sales of a flea market each weekend.  Flea markets usually run once a month, so planning to go every month will you keep you busy and provide you with great items to look at each time you visit!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fun summer activities

Summer is almost everyone’s favorite time of the year.  With the beautiful weather, a break from school or work, and tons of fun activities to get involved in.  Are you tired of doing the same thing every summer vacation? Why don’t you try diving in to some new fun activities that you’ve never tried before! Listed below are some ideas I’ve written down over the years of fun things to do during the summer.  Any of these activities can be enjoyable by yourself, with family or friends.  Feel free to email me with any other great ideas you may have. 
**Create a huge water balloon fight in your neighborhood.  Gather some friends, family and your neighbors to get involved with a huge splash of fun.  For more fun you can also buy some water guns.

**Another fun summer activity is to get some exercise taking a nice long walk along the beach or through a beautiful forest near you.  There are many beaches and lakes in the area, and it is very relaxing taking a stroll along the waterfront.  If you enjoy fishing, taking a break from your walk to stop and fish for a couple hours is very fun and relaxing as well.

**One of my favorite summer activities is to have a picnic.  Gather some friends and/or family members and eat make something different for your picnic.  Look up some fun summer recipes and create an array of delicious food to enjoy at a nearby park, beach, or simply in your backyard.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cool vacation spots to visit

Listed below are two great vacation spots to visit this summer if you’re looking for somewhere cool and special to travel.
This is one of the most beautiful places to visit in the world and stay cool. There are many fun activities to do such as going dog sledding, viewing the beautiful northern lights and enjoying the snow covered land.  If you enjoy the incredibly cold climate, you will find Alaska the perfect place to vacation to this summer.  It has a lot of entertainment options and activities that are likely to keep you and your family laughing and having a great time your entire vacation. There are plenty of activities for you and your family to enjoy when in Alaska. If you’re more interested in engaging in some exciting activities, you can try snowboarding or spend time skiing on the Nordoc and alpine regions. If you more interested in a relaxing vacation you can visit the museums, cultural centers, have fun shopping at the gorgeous strip malls.
Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe has been one of the most famous vacation spots in the United States for many years. Although the climate may not be as cool during the summertime, Lake Tahoe offers plenty of fun activities for everyone to enjoy year round! There is an average of 360 inches of snowfall every year, making this vacation spot a winter wonderland of fun and excitement. The relaxed atmosphere offers any fun and exotic resorts surrounding the beautiful lakefront. There are also multiple casinos, clubs and restaurants to enjoy the night away.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have read several stories about people using calorie counting as their form of diet and have found many great stories from each of them.  Many of the women that use this form of diet found themselves eating smaller meals within the second week.  The main problem with obesity in the U.S. is because the portion size is so large everywhere you go.  Place like France and Germany serve much smaller portion sizes as restaurants and in stores.  We become accustomed to large portion size so many people struggle the first couple of weeks with hunger.
The most important thing I found many of these users saying is to split up your meals throughout the day.  You should be having an average of five small meals a day.  This will help curve your hunger and stay under the number of calories you should be consuming each day.  Another important thing many of them said was to prepare meals ahead of time.  It is so easy for Americans to stop at fast food restaurants anywhere around us and grab some fatty food to eat.  Instead of tempting yourself, have your meals prepared ahead of time and bring snacks with you when you are on the go or at work or class. 
The last major piece of advice I gained from their blogs was the importance of exercise while maintaining their diets.  Although you can lose weight by solely counting calories, you will find much better results if you exercise while maintaining your diet as well.  Good luck!

Please visit my website for more advice and information :


Monday, March 5, 2012

Great way to help you stay on track with your diet

First, you need to do the calculation to determine how many calories you need each day to maintain your current weight. For women, this averages around 2000, but this will vary depending on your personal build – such as the amount of muscle you have and your height. In order to lose weight your calorie count needs to be less than the amount of calories you burn. Lets say for instance you would like to lose an average of one pound per week.  In this case, you will eat around 500 calories less than your calculated number.  If you eat 1,000 calories less each day, than you should lose an average of about two pounds per week.

The next step is you want to determine what form of log you will record your information in.  You can choose to download an application such as My Fitness Pal application on your cell phone.  This particular application is free and easy to use! The application also provides you with a weight loss log to show you show much weight you have lost from the beginning.  I personally find this very encouraging and is very motivational by helping me push myself each week. 

It’s especially great when you go out to eat at restaurants because it contains almost all the nutrition information you can think of! Another reason I enjoy using the My Fitness Pal application is because it’s quick and easy to use on the go.  I believe that using your cell phone to help keep track of you calorie intake is the easiest option, but that is simply your decision to make!

Finally, you can begin your weight loss program by starting to count and keep track of the amount of calories you consume each day.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beautiful Vacation Spots

Waikoloa, Hawaii
If you are looking for an island excursion to get away from it all, the gorgeous lands of Hawaii promise endless activities and luxury. There are great shopping areas and restaurants to let loose and spoil yourself at. There are also fun activities such as hunting for treasure at various locations, and exploring pools, saltwater lagoons and golf courses.  There is also a Dolphin Quest at one of the large resorts that allows you to interact and have fun with the dolphins. If you’re interested you can also schedule a kayak trip, snorkel sail or seasonal whale-watch sail for a great experience.

Snowbird, Utah
If you are looking to get cold this summer then you should definitely visit Snowbird, Utah for a cool wintry vacation. The resort rests in There is approximately 3,240 feet and 5,000 acres of mountain to explore with your friends or family. Whether you are looking to ski, snowboard or just enjoy the cool weather, Snowbird offers a variety of resorts to suit your needs!

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Mexico's western coast holds some of the most beautiful land in the world with over 20,000 visitors a year! There are a variety of clubs and bars designed to entertain children as well as adults throughout the night and day. There are also many fun activities to get involved in including tennis, scuba, archery, kayaking, water polo, volleyball and picnics. One of the best parts of visiting Puerto Vallarta is being able to take the sunset cruises, fishing trips and even excursions into the Mexican fishing villages and beaches.
Below are great reads for vacations spots you must see during your lifetime!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vacation Spots for Summertime

Atlantis Resort in Paradise Island, Bahamas
Atlantis is a beautiful $850-million resort that recreates the infamous lost continent, filled with adventure and intrigue. This resort not only offers an absolutely beautiful scenic landscape, but also features over 20,000 guest rooms, 38 restaurants and a countless number of activities.  Some of the fun includes 11 exhibit lagoons with over 50,000 animals to look at, 11 pool areas, and 7 different water slides.  The most exciting slide consists of a 60-foot drop into an acrylic tunnel submerged in a shark-infested lagoon with real fish surrounding you as you drop through. There are also miles of beach land to walk through with small shops located along the beach.  

Walt Disney World at Orlando, Florida
Who doesn’t enjoy a trip to Disney World! Whether you are traveling with your family, friends, or significant other, Disney World has a variety of activities for any occasion.  With four different theme parks there is a never a moment you aren’t walking around finding something fun to enjoy! From taking a tour of wild animals, riding roller coasters, or enjoying the numerous pools each resort has to offer, there is never a dull moment.  Disney World offers many different resort packages to fit your price range and is a great place to travel for a fun filled vacation.

Las Vegas, Nevada
A trip you must take in your lifetime is to Las Vegas, Nevada. There are so many great shows to see as well as stores to shop at.  If you looking for a fun night out at the clubs or bars or a trip to win some money at the casino, this is the summer vacation you should take! Last Vegas is especially great for summer because of all the beautiful pools located at each resort and gorgeous landscape that this awesome vacation has to offer.  Whether you’re looking to spend a lot or a little bit of money, Vegas is the place to meet famous people and enjoy yourself from sunrise to sunset.