Wednesday, March 28, 2012


If you are planning on taking a fun vacation this summer make sure you partake in some of these great activities while you hit the beach! A fun activity to do while you are on vacation or at a beach near home is collect all different kinds of sea shells. Not only does it feel great to keep some of those memories you made so close to home, they can also add beautiful decorations throughout your home.  There are many awesome things you can do with the beautiful sea shells you have found and brought home such as:
1.     Create an array of jewelry such as a necklace, bracelet or earings with your sea shells. You simply pick which sea shells you would like to use, buy the appropriate materials at your local store (Hobby Lobby, ect.) and make your beautiful piece of jewelry.
2.     You can bring back some of your newly found treasures and sand and fill a decorative bowl in your home to help you keep your memories of vacation. Place the bowl of sea shells and sand in your bathroom, bedroom or kitchen.
3.     You can find a plain picture frame, crush the shells into tiny pieces and glue them to the frame creating a beautiful new frame for your home.
4.     Simply place the beautiful shells around your home for some summer decorations and a relaxing feeling as if you are on a beach every day.
5.     Take a plain lampshade you have in your home and add the sea shells for a spice of decoration.
Listed below are some great books you can read about sea-shells!

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