Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have read several stories about people using calorie counting as their form of diet and have found many great stories from each of them.  Many of the women that use this form of diet found themselves eating smaller meals within the second week.  The main problem with obesity in the U.S. is because the portion size is so large everywhere you go.  Place like France and Germany serve much smaller portion sizes as restaurants and in stores.  We become accustomed to large portion size so many people struggle the first couple of weeks with hunger.
The most important thing I found many of these users saying is to split up your meals throughout the day.  You should be having an average of five small meals a day.  This will help curve your hunger and stay under the number of calories you should be consuming each day.  Another important thing many of them said was to prepare meals ahead of time.  It is so easy for Americans to stop at fast food restaurants anywhere around us and grab some fatty food to eat.  Instead of tempting yourself, have your meals prepared ahead of time and bring snacks with you when you are on the go or at work or class. 
The last major piece of advice I gained from their blogs was the importance of exercise while maintaining their diets.  Although you can lose weight by solely counting calories, you will find much better results if you exercise while maintaining your diet as well.  Good luck!

Please visit my website for more advice and information :


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