Monday, April 23, 2012

19 Things I've Learned in ACC 255

1.     How to create a Click Bank account.
2.     How to write a blog post.
3.     How to promote Amazon products.
4.     Where to find products to promote on your blog.
5.     How to create a website.
6.     How to create products on CafePress.
7.     How to set up a paypal account.
8.     How to submit a URL to search engines.
9.     How to create an EBook.
10. How to get paypal donations.
11. Where to find google AdSense.
12. How to find keyword niches for my bog.
13. Different types of blog posts.
14. How to write a pillar article.
15. How to become an Amazon affiliate.
16. How to earn money from your blog or website.
17. How to create and write a privacy policy.
18. How to add a counter page to my blog.
19. How to set up a google analytics page.

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