Friday, April 27, 2012

Kellys Blog

I have spent this entire semester creating a blog page for my Accounting 255 class.  I was inspired to create The Ultimate Summer Guide for Women blog because I believe I have learned a lot over the years and have a lot of information to share with young women.  Almost everyone is self-concious about their bodies, especially when summer time comes around and its swimsuit season.  I felt that by providing women with the proper diet and exercise information, they will be able to look good and feel confident by summer. 
Many of my first blogs contain information about maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.  I provided my readers with information about healthy snacks, possible diet options such as counting calories or following a set diet, and exercises that can be done with their daily routine.  I felt that by providing my reading with the information they need about healthy food options and simply workouts, they would be more interested and invested in working hard to stay on track.  I talked a lot about how counting calories is an awesome diet to attach to because you can eat out and eat whatever food you want, but its all about portion size.  If you choose to eat dinner out one night, its important to eat small healthy meals throughout the rest of the day. 
In some of my later blogs, I talked about different workout programs that readers can look at and use to help them lose weight and get in shape for summer.  Two of my favorite workouts being Insanity and P90X.  As long as my readers are willing to give an hour a day a couple times a week, they are able to acheieve their weight loss goals in the time they give themselves. 

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