Wednesday, February 1, 2012

20 Simple daily exercises

Most people don’t like taking time out of their busy day to exercise. Here’s a list of 20 simple exercises that can be done in just 20 to 30 minutes a day! You can develop your own workout plan but I suggest that you choose at least five exercises and do them at a minimum of three days per week.  The best way to build strength and lose weight would be doing 20 reps of one exercise then moving to the next until all five are complete. Continue this method three times, and you have finished your first workout!  Here is a list of 20 easy to follow exercises that can be done by yourself at home:

1.     Forward lunges
2.     Backward lunges
3.     Side lunges
4.     Push ups
5.     Triangle Push ups (hands touching to shape a triangle)
6.     Arm curls
7.     Calf raises
8.     Lateral jumps
9.     Air squats
10. Jumping jacks
11. Burpes (push up position, jump in the air then back to push up position)
12. Suicides
13. Crunches
14. Bicycle crunches
15. Ski jumps
16. Hurdles (sprint for 5 seconds, then high jump over a “hurdle” five times, repeat 4 times for one rep)
17. Step up
18. Plank for one minute
19. Pull ups
20. Dips
All of these workouts can be done at home with no weights or machines necessary!  They are simple, yet complex enough to get your heart rate up and your body working.  After a couple weeks you may want to increase the number or reps or exercises you are doing for the best results!
Good luck with your workout!

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