Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Benefits of counting calories

Last post I talked a little bit about an outstanding way to lose weight and get in shape before summer.  Today I will be going into a little more depth about the benefits of counting calories as a form of diet.  Some of the benefits include:

-easy to track applications and websites
-learning to control portion size
-achieve long term weight loss
-helps curve your hunger

The first thing you need to do is determine what calorie count you should be following. The website,,
provides you with a free trial to determine how many calories you should consuming each day to follow your personal weight loss plan. This is a great tool to use because it provides easy to make recipes, a daily journal link, and is determined to help you reach your weight loss goal.  Starting the program is a little difficult because you need to get in the hang of tracking each and every item you eat or drink daily.  It may seem hard to do, but once you get the hang of keeping a journal or using an application on your phone, it becomes habit for most.  Counting calories also helps you control the portion size of the food your eating.  Portion sizes have been growing enormously in diners and fast food restaurants so being able to control your own portion size is a great start to weight loss.  Once you learn the appropriate amount of calories you should be consuming for each meal, it becomes much easier to grocery shop and find healthy alternatives.

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