Thursday, February 2, 2012

More in depth exercises 11-20

Today I will be providing more details for exercises 11-20.  The pictures are given to show you what perfect form looks like.  It is important to make sure you keep control of your form for each exercise in order to stay safe and benefit the most. 

11.     Burpees –you being in push up position, jump in the air as high as you can, then return back to push up position

12.     Suicides – take 3 quick side steps and squat down touching the floor, repeat to the other side
13.     Crunches – Lay flat on your back with your knees in the air and bring your elbows to your knees each time you come up. Be sure to relax your neck
14.     Bicycle crunches – Lay on your back in crunch position and touch your left elbow to your right knee and vice versa
15.     Ski jumps – keep your feet and knees together in squatting position, jump as high as possible from side to side landing back in squatting position
16.     Hurdles – start out sprinting for 5 seconds, then high jump over a “hurdle” five times, repeat 4 times for one rep

17.     Step up – use a stair case or elevated bench and switch feet stepping one foot on the step at a time as fast as possible to get your heart rate up
18.  Plank for one minute – arms stay at a 90 degree angle in push up position, keep core tight and but parallel to the floor
19.  Pull ups – lay with your back on the floor and use a household item such as a table or chair to pull your upper half off the floor
 20. Dips – squat into a sitting position using a chair or couch to lean against, your elbows will slightly dip causing your triceps to engage

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