Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More in depth exercises 1-10

Yesterday I posted a list of 20 different exercises to do on a daily basis in order to stay healthy and in shape.  Today I wanted to spend the time going a little more into depth with exercises one through ten. The illustrations are given to show what each exercise should look like in order to stay safe and get the most out of your workout .

1. Forward Lunges – You start in a standing position and step one foot forward into a squatting position. 

2. Backward Lunges -  Same as number one, but you step one foot backwards at a time into a squatting stance 

3. Side Lunges – These are similar to squats but you are moving one leg to the side at a time and squatting down.    
4. Push ups – your elbows should be kept at no lower than a 90 degree angle and your butt needs to stay parallel to the floor. 

5.  Triangle pushups – In order to do triangle pushups you must use your core to keep your body level to the floor and your arms bending to a 90 degree angle
6. Arm curls – weights can be used for better training, but if not make sure you exaggerate the movement to get the full effect 
7.     Calf raises – to get the best calf workout, do 20 reps at a slow pace, then 20 reps as quickly as possible 
8.     Lateral jumps – start in a squatting stance and jump as high as possible to the side pushing your arms towards to ceiling fully engaging your core
9.     Air squats – make sure your knees are at a 90 degree angle in line with your feet, your butt is as low as possible and your back is straight

10.     Jumping jacks – keep your core tight and do them as fast as possible without stopping to get the most out of your workout 

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